Monday, February 02, 2015

A Ronin in ISIS’s Future?

ISIS or whatever it is being called at this time has gone and beheaded another Japanese captive.  ISIS may have open a whole new can of whip ass and there is a way good chance they don’t even realize what they’ve done.   That happens in societies that alter facts and truths to conform to their expectations.  The Fox News Affect happens in many cultures, societies, and least we think we are a special time, all through history.
The extremist tendencies that courses through some Islamic cultures can be found elsewhere in which the culture has nothing to do with Islam: Japan for example.
Japan has a long and historic past in which extremism is not only accepted, it is developed, cultivated, exploited, and honored.  While we don’t see the wild loner anti-social behavior in today’s Japan, extremism is there, in its past.  And who knows, something like the uncivilized treatment of ISIS captives might just bring it back.
Christians had this same holier than thou extremism at one time - even in the highest levels of the all dominate Catholic Church - but thank God for the Reformation, the beginning of the end of killing in God’s name started in the Middle Ages.  And thankfully for Christian soles, there’s been progress.  We haven’t burned a witch in quite a while.
In WWII, we encountered Japanese extremism in its military training and battle tactics if not in national strategy.   Our response to ISIS is to foster the Four Freedoms and aide to ISIS local enemies.  However, the Japanese may not be so accepting of ISIS treatment of their countrymen.  Pay back is a bitch.
Given the history of Japanese extremism, their response will not be like ISIS’s extremism.  They will not attach innocent civilians but ISIS military: Kamikaze a tank stronghold or a Ronin doing some avenging throat cutting of ISIS leadership.
But will Japanese extremism develop faster than Islamic extremism continues to undermine its own cause.  Long before some Japanese extremist can seek revenge, an extremist movement will arise within ISIS attacking itself.  Just as ISIS arose from Al-Qaeda, so too the roots to its own destruction will come from within.  The Arab Spring has become the Arab Nightmare.


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