Friday, August 07, 2015

2016 GOP Primary >> Repeat 2012 Primary

It would seem a Monday morning critique on Friday after the GOP primary debate would led one to believe Trump won and will maintain his position in the hearts and minds of those who that take part in polls.
And the crowd goes while!
The news crowd, that is.  Republicans will not go to vote until next February and we will have a feeding frenzy among the press until then.  Fox News will probably fare best, but then it’s preaching to the choir.
In the run up to the 2012 primary, between August 2011 and February 2012, the lead in the polls that had been dominated by Romney up until August, went to Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich.  Rick Santorum would take the top spot during the February primaries, but then Romney held it for the rest of the primary season.  Romney was the candidate most of the pros thought would get the nomination – because he was always the number two when not number one.
With a larger field this time around, it will be interesting if not sickening to watch and see if history repeats itself.  Conservation of habits is at the heart of conservatism.


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