Saturday, May 03, 2008

Does science make belief in God obsolete?

One of those advertisements or something like that at the Huffington site attracted my attention, I clicked on it and went to a site called the John Templeton Foundation. It was asking the following question: “Does science make belief in God obsolete?”

They had a place to leave a comment, and if you know me, you know I couldn’t resist that, so I left the following comment.

Answer to question: No, science re-enforces belief in God.

Awareness (science) is God’s second greatest gift. Like no other living thing, we know and understand our presents in this universe, and through scientific investigation, we will come to know and understand more and more.

Life is God’s greatest gift. The more science discovers about the universe, the more unique life becomes. We have looked and listened and no sign of life in any form has yet to be found.

Worse case scenario: There is no God or higher life form of any kind. We are it. There is no other life in the universe (remember, this is worse case scenario). The coming together of molecules that led to DNA was astronomically unique and was never replicated anywhere else. If that is the case, then we are God, or will be one day.

We are advancing so fast and space is so vast, we will develop the technology to intercept the Pioneer spacecrafts long before they reach anywhere near another solar system. We will develop the ability to live forever. We will develop the ability to travel through time (whatever that is).

One day we will be able to travel back in time to rescue our ancestors from oblivion and you and I will live forever − which God has promise to us all if we just have faith.

That’s then end of my comment. Last time I check – which is the time of this posting – I was about eighth down in the stack. If you have read this blog, you know that there is nothing new in what I said. I’ve been banging away all over the internet saying the same thing.

I think this is a good tie in to my previous post about the Pioneer anomaly. That’s the buzz word of the new century: Tie-ins.

Yea, verily I say unto thee, go forth and do like wise.


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