Tuesday, December 28, 2004

You vote in the best election you can get not the election you want

Iraqi should try to vote if at all possible. This may be the freest election they have ever had or will have. If you’ve read my stuff you know that I believe that once the Americans leave, a strong man like Saddam or the mullahs like in Iran will eventually rule Iraq. I agree with Kevin Drum and his ref to Juan Cole, that Bin Laden’s sound byte may do more for the up coming election in Iraq than all the persuasion or PR with which the Americans could come up.

I’m surprise the Bushies have not come out with a…”see we told you there was a link between al-Qaeda and Saddam,” or “see we told you there were terrorist in Iraq.” Gmafb

As much of a mistake as I think the war in Iraq is, if Bush could pull off this election there is a chance we could get out with a decent interval before the inevitable occurs.

By the way, Red Word / Blue Word has been updated.


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