The Message is in the Medium
Recent news stories in the Washington Post and BuzzFeed
pointed to something tucked away in the GOP’s report on Growth &
Opportunity Project. (Would that be
GOP’s GOP or GOP’s G&OP?) The GOP is
going to hire “activists” to YouTube Democrats in what will be seen as embarrassing
shots for the party. (Has YouTube become
like Google and can be used as a verb?)
Here from the report, page 54, section 11, “Define the D’s early AnD TrAck ‘EM”, (Why
all caps?) and the chapter “Introduction to Friends and Allies” is the juicy quote:
Begin quote
Well-funded conservative groups should seek to hire activists to track Democrat incumbents and candidates with video cameras constantly recording their every movement, utterance, and action. Within the applicable legal constraints, we need to create our own video content, bank it, and release it when it suits our candidates’ needs.
An allied group dedicated solely to research to establish a private archive and public website that does nothing but post inappropriate Democrat utterances and act as a clearinghouse for information on Democrats would serve as an effective vehicle for affecting the public issue debate.
End quote
The stories listed above claim the new GOP vehicle for doing
this is America Rising, and it is a copy of the Democrats’ America Bridge,
which “allegedly” outed Todd Akins’ infamous statement that legitimate rape did
not cause pregnancy because the woman’s vagina somehow interrogated incoming
sperm as to how they got there and would not let rape sperm pass – a TSA in
women’s privates. I wonder if they have
intimate reveling scanners or full ejaculate searches.
Doesn’t both American Bridge and America Rising sound a lot
like the White House Plumbers – before they got into bugging?
The head of America Bridge, Rodell Mollineau, welcomes the
competition but believes there will be slim pickings for them since Democrats
do not live the double standard lives of Republicans. Mollineau claims Republican talk extreme
right philosophy when talking privately to the Tea Party and then middle of the
road, moderate politician when talking to the general public or when cameras
are rolling. Examples other than Akins’
are Richard Mourdock’s comment on God’s blessing rape or Romney’s 47 percent of
Americans are free-loaders. Mollineau
claims Democrats don’t do that. There
are no hidden liberals making empty liberal promises, so he claims.
Bleeding-heat liberals are no different than the Tea
Baggers, and America Rising is going to prove him wrong. Or will it prove something entirely else?
What I’m waiting to see from the new GOP plumbers group is
what they tape and “expose”. What they think is embarrassing or potentially
political suicide may be more illuminating of the Republicans than footage of a Democrat acting a fool. The more interesting
story may be what they choose to expose, and in so doing, expose their own
A young Republican journalist-in-name-only has pioneered
“the rising”. James O’Keefe got a lot of
air time on Fox News until he got busted for bugging a New Orleans democrat’s
phone. While masquerading as a pimp to
get a misleading story is journalistically unethical, impersonating any
technician and bugging phones is illegal as well as bad journalism. No doubt, Fox New would have run it had
O’Keefe not got caught.
Here it is once again:
White House Plumbers. History repeats, and this is especially true for conservatives' behavior since they are the buttresses of tradition. How America
Rising chooses to expose its targets may be the bigger story.