Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lipstick on a Trojan Horse

If you know how and where your opponent is going to attack, then you know a good place for an ambush. The current party elite among Republicans are past masters at playing off their opponents' gaffs. The Democrats could turn that knowledge to their advantage. The Demos need to put something out there that they know the Repubs will jump on. However, it would be a set up - a sort of political IED (improvised exploitive device).

Like the “lipstick on a pig” comment by Obama about McCain’s healthcare policy being tied to Palin’s comment about “lipstick on a pit bull” as somehow Obama referring to Palin as a pig. The Demos would still be backpedaling on this one if the MSM in some sort of historical perspective on the term had not gone back and found where John McCain and Cheney had used it previous to Obama’s using it. And McCain was referring to Hillary’s healthcare policy. Was McCain referring to Hillary as a pig? BANG! Another IED detonates, the Repubs are shown as trying to make something out of nothing and distract from the real issues.

But no, that’s only a dramatic literary re-enactment. The Demos never did that. The Daily Show, some pundits, a few bloggers made comment, but no ground swell, no blogging frenzy, no public outrage at lynch mentality.

Come on Demos, you’re supposed to be the smart ones. Let’s get some return from that overpriced liberal education. Set them up. Out Rove the Rovians. Put an IED out there just before the election, and have it blow up in their self-righteous condescending face.

Sometimes you must work for it and sometimes it is given. Just as corruption will eventually corrupt its self and conspirators will conspire against their fellow conspirators; so too the mob will turn on those that try to manipulate its chaos. While the Pittsburgh police had no trouble seeing the implausibility of the attack and political mutilation of a McCain campaign worker, the Repub elite did not. (Come on, you carve a backward “B” in your face, if you do it a mirror, and you're stupid – or crazy.)

And the Repub elite ran with it. Race war is just waiting to erupt. Stewing just underneath society is a race seething with indignation, ready to break out in social disruption and attacks if Obama is elected…Oh wait! It was a fake. Never mind.

America, you have the opportunity to continue four more years of government being run that way.

Republicans, you have a cancer in your midst and it will consume you if you do not cut it out.

Liberal Democrats, demand your money back from whatever elite liberal arts college you attended. You were cheated out of a good education.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Stanley Motts: This is Nothing!

As Dustin Hoffman uttered those words continuously during one catastrophe after another as they tried to Wag the Dog, so too the economy’s current unpleasantness is nothing compared with the more threatening peril of the 20th Century: Communism.

You’d think that something that was planned and studied would work better than something that is the poster child of chaos theory, capitalism in a free market economy, but that was not the case. Planned economies could not keep up no matter how much they tried to spin it. All those Orwellian movies of happy people marching and working happily along just didn’t work. The capitalist economies provide a higher standard of living to the masses that those masses in planned economies could only watch and wonder – and envy.

However, we should have told those masses longing to be free the flipside of freedom, the freedom to fail, or at least stumble badly. There can be no boom without bust. Planned economies remove the busts, but they removed the booms, also.

It’s what you make in the booms that more than offsets what you lose in the busts. To capitalists it’s the interest, profit, commission, vig, swag or whatever that makes it all worthwhile, and the freedom to pursue it, that no amount of centralized planning could ever keep up.

The planned economites look down the collective noses at this as plunder or booty and exploitation of the working class, but the free-market economites laugh and scoff as to say the working class is doing fine looking after itself, thank you very much.

Hoffman’s Stanley always knew his system would work, trivial problems not withstanding, and an economy that recently defeated an enemy that planned its demise will rise again as the sun rises in the east. And it will be a warmer day than when last it set – to wring out this analogy during this time of economization.
