Conformation on Dark Matter
MIT recently posted the Catch-22 in the theory on dark matter I have been asking since April 2008. Where’s our dark matter? I’ve
been bagging away all over the Internet, whenever the subject came up and
blogging about it here, and most particularly, here. And now someone at MIT is confirming what I
saw wrong about the theory all along.
We can detect dark matter’s overwhelming presents everywhere
in the universe – except most notably – in our own solar system. Because of this fly in the conceptual oatmeal,
the whole dark matter theory classically begs the question.
In physics, it is good to stay with the golden oldies –
until proven wrong. One of these is the
conservation of energy and matter. That is
part of the problem that queues dark matter. The red shifts of what we can see could best
be explained with dark matter.
Conservation of momentum. That
is: if there is just more mass - mass we can’t see – we can explain the
velocities we are seeing.
However, the other golden oldie is whatever is true there
must be true here. The physics that is
true of the far off must be the physics at home. Guess what?
Dark matter fails. MIT confirms
we got no dark matter. It is everywhere
we look except here. Coincidence or are we
being snubbed? Or maybe we are looking
the wrong way?
The April 2008 link above has one question that I would like
answered. If none of our planets are
affected by dark matter, what is the closest object we can see that is?
Is the closest star, Alpha Centauri, affected by dark
matter? While we cannot detect it within
our solar system can see its affect on our solar system within the Milky Way
Galaxy? Or in the nearest galaxy? And if we can see it in the nearest galaxy,
why not ours? Answer that question and
the inconsistency for something that is suppose to be everywhere but we cannot
find it close by will be answered.
Labels: Dark Matter