The News Hole in the NSA Spying Story
The latest stories on the great NSA’s scandal nationalistic
corruptible (I’m looking for the right word here.) scheme of spying on
all Americans leaves a big hole in my understanding of what is going on. I don’t follow news events like this
especially close, reading every story that comes out. I prefer to wait for those liberally biased news organizations to sum it up for me.
Frontline had a very informative summation and at this time, NBC’s
exclusive on Edward Snowden is all over the news. What I know so far
- NSA pulled the data on all Americans, not just those living outside America, or communicating into or out of the U.S., but everything everywhere on everybody.
- NSA did not gather the data. My email provider, my cell phone provider, AT&T, Google, Facebook, and any other major Internet service providers collected the data. NSA just harvested the data, or as it was put in the Frontline story, “rode piggyback on what Google was doing”.
- Google kept quiet about what NSA was doing because it did not want users to know what Google was doing. I suspected this spying from what my Google searches returned, but this news confirmed it, and Google wasn’t looking for terrorist.
- I learned a lot more about Edward Snowden than I care to know.
The fact that the NSA is spying on foreigners is not
news. That’s what they are supposed and
expected to do. That’s their job. The particular foreigners they spied on made
news but the fact they were doing it is not news.
As far as Snowden complaining within the system, others
did. The Frontline story on Snowden and
the NSA, showed that even a hint of dissatisfaction with what your organization
is doing is a career ender. Several NSA
staffers had their lives and families ruined or at least greatly stressed
because the agencies thought they might be the ones leaking information to the
New York Times and Washington Post. And
after their lives were ruined, the case against them was drop or
forgotten. Yea, why didn’t Snowden take
that route? Give me a break.
Reminds me of the story on Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon
Papers in 1971, and his treason declared a mistrial after Nixon’s White House
Plumbers involvement came out during the Watergate Scandal. Those were some juicy news days. That news round is also an example of how the
current NSA spying could get ugly. That
power in the hands of the wrong politicians could lead to one of those scary Orwellian
worlds. Snowden could always come back to the U.S. and depend on the government
to screw up the case against him just as they did Ellsberg.
Besides, what’s he got to look forward to other than prison
or life in Russia? There’s a
difference? Just wait until the
notoriety or usefulness wears off.
Although not the biggest new hole in this story, NSA is not
the top dog spy in the hut for intelligence.
From what I’ve read and seen on TV, that would go to Russia, Britain, or
Israel. I love the story of the Russian bug in the U.S. Great Seal that British intelligence had to explain how it
worked to the American intelligence after they finally found it. And you’re worried about NSA’s technique?
The great big hole in this story, the “news” that could make
Snowden a traitor and NSA heroes instead of what appears to be in the current
spin would be how effective was NSA’s spying on all of us Americans. How many terrorists were stopped before they
could kill Americans? NSA did not stop
the Boston Bombers, the Shoe Bomber, or the Underwear Bomber. Did their work lead to the catching of
anybody? All I ever heard in that
Frontline piece was they stopped a terrorist who was going to bring down the
Brooklyn Bridge with a blowtorch.
That’s it! For all
that spying, all that riding piggyback on Google, all the listening in on phone
calls, text messages, and email, all we got is one crazy that the NYPD would
have gotten anyway. I’ve seen several
stories of attempts to blow up Time Square.
Did NSA contribute anything in catching the perpetrators? I thought it was old fashion police or FBI
sting work, but if NSA helped in anyway, now is the time to speak up.
Some reporter should ask that question, or the more
significant question news-wise: how effective was all that spying? Specifics please. Who or even how many terrorists did you